Thursday, June 24, 2010

Diviners of Mystic Orbs II

Fantasy equal: Sorcerer

Since ancient times many a people strongly believe that certain rocks, stones and crystals have healing/magical/mystical properties. Properties that sound so powerful, were it true, we all would have been crystal-bearing gods today. Even though these rocks and their magical properties have no scientific bearing, I still find their purpose amongst the community of holistic healers pretty interesting. Who knows, maybe their properties have been recorded by great sorcerers from ages ago, but the means to actually unlock its powers have been lost in time.
Let us look at the most well-known of crystals as an example; the quartz crystal. From the simple google search I have done, I have found numerous sources, each describing similar and different magical properties of this beautiful crystal.
The one source, which emphasises the words ‘power’ and ‘clarity’, has the following to say about this beautiful crystal:
Quartz enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types, as information is a form of energy pattern also. This makes them particularly good for programming. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals.
Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is also powerfully protective. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies though processes and emotions it increases inspiration and creativity. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships.

Sorcerers, one of many magic-using classes in the world of fantasy, all wield some sort of staff to help them channel their spells and magical abilities. A staff provides the sorcerer with a focus point. When concentrated on, the magical energies of the spell the sorcerer is casting gathers at this focus point and is then released. The very tip of the staff is the focus point and in many cases the tip may be imbued with various items, like feathers, leaves, bones, teeth, but in most cases, a rock or crystal. Each of these items is specifically chosen by the sorcerer to aid him in his spell-casting ability. Leaves, like that from certain herbs and trees are generally used by Sorcerers from the schools of healing and nature. Bones and teeth tend to be used by evil Sorcerers, especially those from the school of Necromancy.
If you consider the quote stated above, there are several keywords that would identify the quartz crystal as the ideal item to imbue a Sorcerer’s staff with:

~ ‘Enhances Amplifying and Focusing’ ~ These are two very important processes during spell casting. The more you focus and amplify the spell, the greater its power and outcome would be

~ ‘Beneficial for Healing, Protecting and Channeling’ ~ Any Sorcerer worth his salt would have several spells lined up for healing and protection purposes. These kind of spells are what keeps you and your party members alive when you accidentally trod on a slumbering dragon’s toe.

~ ‘It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types’ ~ Sorcerers are walking, talking spellbooks, so it makes sense that this property would be beneficial for spell-casting durations, as well as remembering all the spells in the Sorcerer’s arsenal.

~ ‘Dispels negativity’ ~ Another must have spell/ability is to negate harmful effects. Say an evil Sorceress zaps you with a slow spell. It would be totally worth your while to have some sort of dispelling mechanism. A quartz crystal may just help you with this.

So you probably know what this whole description is coming down to, eh? It is also very similar in concept to the first post of this particular theme. We have not one, but two powerful gems in our arsenal of masculine weaponry. These remarkable gems summon flowing, magical energy. We cast a glorious spell by wielding and focusing on our unyielding rods. As we channel the spell, our gems amass our magical energies up until it reaches its full force. At its climax, our rods release our magical energies fervently. The energies, of course, bless its receiver, be it the caster himself, or a brother in arms.

The fantasy connection for this collection is the Sorcerer. He is a very similar to the Wizard, in fact I do not know the difference except in the context of a couple of PC games, like Neverwinter Nights. They are wielders of magnificent staves, garlanded with rocks of power, which makes them true to this theme. Below are prime examples of the Sorcerers amongst us today. Imagine the havoc they would be able to cause with those pairs of rocks!

"Apparently, to some degree Tolkien ties a Wizard's power to his staff. In Book II of The Two Towers, when Gandalf rides to Edoras to meet King Théoden he is explicitly asked by the doorwarden who is under the orders of Gríma Wormtongue to leave his staff at the door and move in unarmed. Gandalf persuades Aragorn to even leave his sword Andúril at the door but is reluctant to leave his staff behind, and he talks the doorwarden into letting him keep his staff. It appears as if Gandalf needed his staff to rouse Théoden from his fatalistic impotence.

Gandalf banishes Saruman from the Order of Wizards in The Return of the King by saying, "Saruman, your staff is broken", but later Saruman was still able to use his persuasive voice against the Hobbits. Earlier, Saruman accuses Gandalf of wanting to claim the staves of the Five Wizards. This notion takes further strength from The Hobbit. In many places in The Hobbit and also in The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien refers to Gandalf's staff as a 'wand'. From this, it appears Gandalf's staff is some sort of long wand. However, there is one significant event which serves to disconnect the idea that a wizard's power is somehow tied to his staff: in The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf is able to defeat the Balrog without the use of his staff, since the staff breaks when he destroys the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. Since the Balrog itself is a Maia, Gandalf must have retained significant power to do so. In The Two Towers, Gandalf has a new staff, made of ash."

"Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories—just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sons Coming of Age II

Those taking their First Strides towards Manhood

Fantasy equal: Hebe

I suppose all of you have some recollection from your childhood when you realized you were not quite what your family and society expected of you. Where most boys at first thought yuck of girls and only later on yum, you today still think yuck of their bits and bobs.

As I think back, my first alarm went off when I was about nine years old. I can remember I was at a friend’s house when we walked passed the TV, which was showing a sex scene from some soapy or movie. My friend asked me whether that makes me excited. My response was "No, but I like it when guys wrestle." Little did I know the true meaning of that statement at that time and I think the same can be said about my friend. Only several years back I realized that must have been the first indication of me being gay.

That friend moved the year after I unknowingly out’ed myself of my innocent sexuality, but I gained a new friend that same year; the son of our new neighbours. We were placed in the same class. He was the class giant and hit puberty way ahead the rest of us. In the senior years of primary school his body was already covered in hair; a mat of blond hair (which matched his golden crown) covered his arms, legs and chest and I was fortunate enough to know his armpits and pubic area were garlanded in coarser, darker hair.

He was blessed with a swimming pool at his house, which is where we spent endless summer afternoons. It is during these times where I as well could see and marvel at the changes his body was going through; the hair and the ever increasing muscle. We frequently had sleepovers as well, which made for the typical, yet wonderful moments of male bonding amongst young friends. His dad had told him of the birds and the bees way ahead of mine, heck my parents ‘told’ me using an audio tape. He passed the knowledge from his father onto me. I was told how a man inserts his penis into the woman’s vagina, and through some vigorous rubbing the man releases his seeds, which could be the beginnings of the making of a baby... you know the drill. He did something then I would always be grateful for; he showed me his blade!

Unfortunately that was long ago and I can’t remember the exact details of how we got to comparing blades. That does not matter however. What will stay engraved in my mind is...

That his blade was very thick, thicker than mine, where I had a slightly longer blade. At that stage his blade was garlanded in way more hair than mine. He also had massive balls, which was also larger than mine. What opted for much discussion, I remember, was the most evident difference between our blades; his was circumcised where mine wasn’t. The difference intrigued the both of us, I’d say (my feelings were stronger, most likely, so lets say I was enthralled), for he had no idea that it comes with foreskin and that his had been removed. He must have talked to his dad about it, since I can remember him stating later on that in South Africa, all boys get circumcised as according to him (his dad) it is tradition and more hygienic.

He also then dropped a very valuable piece of information; you do need a lady (or a man in certain cases) to experience the wonders of sex. You can perform it yourself. That night, of course, I tried what he described and was literally blown away by the brand new sensation my swollen and extended blade provided. My friend was lying next to me on his bed, where I was down below on a mattress. He noticed then what I had done and asked me to show him what came out of me. He switched on his bedside lamp and I showed him my cupped hand containing the little nectar I had produced. I later on realized he had never fully completed the ritual himself then, hence asking me how it looks like. I think he told me he was afraid that doing it would decrease the size of his balls. The more one does it, the more your balls will shrink. He felt a bit ashamed though and later on tried to fool me with a cupped hand of spit instead. I wasn’t fooled. It wasn’t the same as mine and he had to admit he faked it, so to speak.

Unfortunately I never witnessed (or have no recollection of) him ever showing me his true nectar. I do remember seeing glimpses of his extended blade a few times, however. He had a glorious blade and like any child with a brand new toy that is better than his friend’s, he had to show it off. I can recall two accounts of seeing his extended blade; during a game of ‘donker kamertjie’, which is what we call a game of hide and seek at night in a single room here in South Africa. He groped and wrung his blade whilst standing at the edge of a window, knowing all too well I can see its silhouette from the moonlight passing through. The other account happened whilst playing tv games; he took a crushed orange, whipped out his blade, and let the pacman shaped orange playfully gnaw at his blade. It was hilarious.

We grew out of our generic boyish interests and went on different paths during our senior years of primary school. We were separated into different classes, he started playing rugby and I hockey and both of us made new friends. Unfortunately we grew apart, never to go to the next level of our friendship. It was a blessing however, since today I hear he is happily engaged to his future wife. I can only imagine the consequences of making a move on a straight guy.

This is my story of my first sexual encounters. I would love if a reader out there, if there are any of you, would send me yours. Some input to post on this blog would be greatly appreciated. You can mail me at

The fantasy connection of this collection is Hebe, the ancient Greek goddess of youth. The interesting bit from the quote below is that she became the bride of Herakles (Hercules). Lucky girl!

"HEBE was the goddess of youth and the cupbearer of the gods who served ambrosia at the heavenly feast. She was also the patron goddess of the young bride and an attendant of the goddess Aphrodite. Herakles received Hebe in marriage upon his ascension to Olympos, a wedding which reconciled the hero with Hebe's mother Hera."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mythic Beings of Divine Divinity

Those of Godly Splendour

Fantasy equal: Greek Pantheon

I am personally thankful that in many of today’s role-playing games almighty gods beseech you to perform an essential quest on their behalf. Something that must be done and only you can perform or finding an ancient relic they simply cannot live without. Sometimes even they demand you to take on a malevolent god and its followers. I love the idea of a higher power choosing you, a mere mortal, to locate a certain relic or perhaps watch over a certain person or item dear to them. Once these quests are fulfilled, that particular god always bestows you with some sort of power or a wondrous item (weapon or piece of armour) that would enhance your abilities.

In the game Oblivion, many shrines dedicated to specific deities are erected all across the terrain. If you were to be favoured by a particular god, he/she would grant you an audience. This was no easy feat, however, since all these gods had certain prerequisites, some of which were impossible to meet. In some cases you had to be a particular race or class for the god to consider you worthy. This allowed for some degree of replay-ability.

There is one game however, that revolves around gaining the favour of your gods, and that is the ancient Greek building game, called Zeus, Master of Olympus. (There is in fact another game, called Age of Mythology, which is similar in concept to Zeus) Zeus is a game I don’t believe many people played, or got quickly bored of due to no feature of killing something by launching a rocket at it. In Zeus you are a governor who builds up a city from scratch. Not only do you prosper by satisfying the needs of your people, but you have to satisfy the needs of your gods as well. Were you to dissatisfy your people, they would rebel and cause riots, but anger a god, and he/she would strike your city with plague, a monster or a curse, which can cause havoc to your city’s hygiene, economy and/or army.

The aspect of Zeus I liked the most, is that if you were to build a sanctuary in the name of a particular god, he/she would actually grace your city with his/her presence; walk down your streets amongst your people and even bless some of your buildings! Blessed buildings produce more than double the actual amounts of produce, for example. I used to build Apollo’s Oracle, not for the benefits of having him in your city (the other gods had better benefits), but because he was this giant, attractive, glowing half naked god. Many ladies and several gents must have severely swooned at the sight of him!

This collection is a tribute to the skilful artists out there who delight us with illustrations of the splendorous physiques of great deities.

“Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to the myths and study them in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.

Greek mythology is embodied explicitly in a large collection of narratives and implicitly in representational arts, such as vase-paintings and votive gifts. Greek myth explains the origins of the world and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines, and other mythological creatures. These accounts initially were disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition; today the Greek myths are known primarily from Greek literature.”