Saturday, October 17, 2009

Warriors of Fantasy

Those who personify Myth, Might and Magic

Fantasy equal: Warrior
From today’s movies, television shows and PC games the ones I enjoy the most are those where swords are swung, arrows are released and evil is slain. Mutants and supernatural abilities also catch my eye, but any war film, show or PC game that features guns, bullets and tanks turn me off immediately. I prefer the ancient ways of war and battle and feel like gun wars and weapons of mass destruction make defeating one’s enemy too easy in most cases. A great deal more skill is required to face an opponent in melee combat or with stealth and a bow and arrow in comparison to a shotgun and bazooka.

This section obviously forms one of the foundations of my whole collection. It unites two of my beloved interests to provide for some very sweet eye candy, in my opinion. In this collection you would find mighty warriors, noble knights, nimble archers, stealthy rogues and barbaric brutes, all in their full, natural glory. I freak out when I come across a lord wielding some sort of ancient/fantasy/medieval weapon and freak even more so if I can spot his natural blade as well.
I am proud to give you my favourites of what I have come across during my adventures so far. Hope you enjoy it!

“The warrior is no mere sword-swinger; they are skilled combatants, combining strength of arm, knowledge of weaponry and practiced maneuvers to slice or bludgeon their foes into little red bits. The warrior is the most versatile of the combat classes, and they supplement their fighting prowess with the ability to rally their allies and spur them to victory, but not only can they rally their allies into victory; they can themselves charge into the heart of the battle, take several lives and live to tell the tale.”

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