Hail and welcome to the wondrous kingdom of the Warriors of Fantasy!
:: Bows low and graciously. ::
You are about to venture forth into various domains, each ruled, governed and protected by different kinsfolk and mythical beings that dwell in this enchanted land. You are cordially invited to a demonstration of each of their customs and swordsmanship. Each domain requires you to take part in the festivities they have to offer, so steel yourself and ready your blade, for you are about to draw blades with the likes of barbarians, demons, feral beasts, Greek gods and other creatures and beings from the worlds of fantasy.
From here travel south and make use of the map to your right to make your way to each of the available domains. The map will magically navigate you to new magical worlds as you venture forth over time. Be brave and alert in your travels. Until we cross paths again, my friend...
:: Bows graciously once more and disappears under the veil of night. ::
Eleshar is a wanderer of the wilds and enchanted and perilous lands. Here he gathers and collects wondrous items, sketch magnificent beings and sometimes battle his way out of a hairy situations.
This collection of glorious items he now makes available to his worthy kinsman to share in its wonder.
Eleshar is most likely off on one of his adventures. You may however and he would be ever so pleased if you are to send him a letter with any comments and requests. He would love to hear from you.
Please note that the images on this blog are found on the public domain of the internet, some of which are original work of artists and business companies. The original owners retain ownership of these images and may be copyrighted. If you feel I have illegally posted an image that is your property, please let me know and I’ll kindly remove it as soon as I can. The purpose of this blog is not to make a profit of any sort, but to provide our community with material I believe are worth viewing, which is publicly available on a different site none the less.
Thanks for stopping by.
My substitute teacher's curricula never involved lessons like this. Maybe that's why I was never an "A" student early on?