Thursday, April 23, 2009

Architects of Monuments

Those who Define Structural Magnificence

Fantasy equal: Architect/Mason

I compare a man’s legs to great monuments built in ancient times. Just as an ancient monument invokes awe and admiration, so does a pair of strong legs demand a second look from my eyes.

To me legs and feet form an integral part of the appeal towards a man’s physique. I personally like them hairy, shapely and defined, supported by a big pair of feet.

Many guys are fortunate to have natural good-looking legs. Then you get those who have to work extremely hard to convert their chicken legs into something appealing. I applaud those guys, since I have not yet succeeded to move away from ‘chicken-leggedness’. I do however have a cyclist as a partner, so his legs make up for both our parts, :).

The following collection is dedicated to the masons and architects who worked hard on designing and constructing structural magnificence. If you believe you have an attractive pair of legs, then I perceive you to be an Architect of Monuments.

“The Nile valley has been the site of one of the most influential civilizations which developed a vast array of diverse structures encompassing ancient Egyptian architecture. The architectural monuments, which include the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza, are among the largest and most famous.”

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