Monday, May 18, 2009

Shifters of Water

Those with Dominion over the Element of Water

Fantasy equal: Naiad

You find people who are in their element whilst submerged in water. Those people who long to go to the beach, dam or river, not to tan, or do some other silly thing, but to swim to their heart’s content. Others, who are not as fortunate of having a natural means of soaking up water, have to make due with a hot or cold bath or shower.

These men I perceive to be descendants of a Naiad. As described below, a Naiad is a mythological being, a nymph with dominion over the element of water. Somewhere in history, long ago, a Naiad and a fortunate man may have given birth to water loving sons as a product of their love. They now walk amongst us, as depicted by the following collection.

“In Greek mythology, the Naiads or Naiades (Ναϊάδες from the Greek νάειν, "to flow," and νἃμα, "running water") were a type of nymph who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.

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