Saturday, September 12, 2009

Diviners of Mystic Orbs

Those who Draw Energy from Spheres of Power

Fantasy equal: Istari

Wizards wield various magical and enchanted artefacts which they use to enchant, manipulate and channel magical energy. You would not find a wizard who does not wield a rod of some kind. Some silly wizards feel a wand would suffice, yet true wizards, in my opinion, wield a staff made from some material that suggests the rank of his order.

Wizards make use of orbs or palantirs to peer into what may happen in future events or to get a better understanding of past events. These orbs are said to be seeing stones, very much like a gypsy’s crystal ball. Orbs provide its master with the gift of foresight.

As you might have figured out, all ye handsome lords are wizards as well. You too wield powerful staffs, which you use to channel magical energy from two divine orbs. The Wizards shown below wield a pair of powerful orbs. One can only imagine what force and power these orbs conjure up.

The fantasy connection of this collection is the Istari, which is the Elven term for Wizards in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. The most beloved Wizard in this amazing tale is Gandalf, of course. The actor who played Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellin) plays for our team, by the way.

“In the Undying Lands, the Istari were Maia spirits. When they were sent to aid the Free Peoples of Middle-earth against the return and rise of Sauron, most were given different names from before they had come and they arrived in different colours of clothing from each other. Many of these wizards came to the northwestern regions of Middle-earth. The chiefs of those that came to middle earth were five in number.”

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